Cities in Saskatchewan
- Abbey
- Aberdeen
- Abernethy
- Abernethy No. 186
- Admiral
- Air Ronge
- Alameda
- Albertville
- Alice Beach
- Alida
- Allan
- Alsask
- Alticane
- Alvena
- Amazon
- Amsterdam
- Amulet
- Aneroid
- Annaheim
- Antelope Park No. 322
- Antler
- Antler No. 61
- Aquadeo
- Arborfield
- Arborfield No. 456
- Archerwill
- Archive
- Arcola
- Arelee
- Arena
- Argyle No. 1
- Arlington No. 79
- Armit
- Armley
- Arm River No. 252
- Arran
- Asquith
- Assiniboia
- Atwater
- Auvergne No. 76
- Avonlea
- Aylesbury
- Aylsham
- Baildon No. 131
- Balcarres
- Balgonie
- Baljennie
- Bangor
- Bankend
- Barrier Valley No. 397
- Barvas
- Bateman
- Battle Creek
- Battleford
- Battle River No. 438
- Bayne No. 371
- Bay Trail
- Beacon Hill
- Beatty
- Beaubier
- Beauval
- Beaver Flat
- Beaver River
- Beechy
- Bélanger
- Belbutte
- Bellegarde
- Belle Plaine
- Bengough
- Bengough No. 40
- Benson
- Benson No. 35
- Bethune
- Bienfait
- Big Arm No. 251
- Big Beaver
- Biggar
- Biggar No. 347
- Big Quill No. 308
- Big River
- Big River No. 555
- Big Shell
- Big Stick No. 141
- Birch Hills
- Birch Hills No. 460
- Bird's Point
- Birsay
- Bjorkdale
- Bjorkdale No. 426
- Bladworth
- Blaine Lake
- Blaine Lake No. 434
- Blucher
- Blumenthal
- Bodmin
- Boharm
- Bone Creek No. 108
- Borden
- Brabant Lake
- Bracken
- Bradwell
- Brancepeth
- Bratt's Lake No. 129
- Bredenbury
- Briercrest
- Britannia No. 502
- Broadacres
- Broadview
- Brock
- Brock No. 64
- Broderick
- Brokenshell No. 68
- Bromhead
- Brooksby
- Browning No. 34
- Brownlee
- Bruno
- B-Say-Tah
- Buchanan
- Buchanan No. 304
- Buckland No. 491
- Buena Vista
- Buffalo Narrows
- Buffalo No. 409
- Bulyea
- Burgis
- Burr
- Burstall
- Cabana
- Cabri
- Cadillac
- Calder
- Calder No. 241
- Caledonia No. 99
- Cambria No. 6
- Camsell Portage
- Canaan No. 225
- Cana No. 214
- Candiac
- Candle Lake
- Cando
- Canoe Lake
- Canoe Narrows
- Canora
- Canuck
- Canwood
- Canwood No. 494
- Capasin
- Cardross
- Carievale
- Carlton
- Carlyle
- Carmichael
- Carmichael No. 109
- Carnduff
- Caron
- Caron No. 162
- Caronport
- Carrot River
- Carruthers
- Cater
- Cedoux
- Central Butte
- Ceylon
- Chamberlain
- Chaplin
- Chaplin No. 164
- Chelan
- Chesterfield No. 261
- Chester No. 125
- Chitek
- Choiceland
- Chorney Beach
- Chortitz
- Christopher Lake
- Churchbridge
- Churchbridge No. 211
- Clair
- Clavet
- Claybank
- Clayton No. 333
- Clemenceau
- Climax
- Clinworth No. 230
- Cloan
- Coalfields No. 4
- Cochin
- Coderre
- Codette
- Cole Bay
- Coleville
- Colonsay
- Colonsay No. 342
- Congress
- Connaught No. 457
- Conquest
- Consul
- Cookson
- Corinne
- Corman Park No. 344
- Corning
- Coronach
- Côte
- Coteau Beach
- Coteau No. 255
- Coulee No. 136
- Craik
- Craik No. 222
- Craven
- Cree Lake
- Creelman
- Creighton
- Crestwynd
- Crooked River
- Crutwell
- Cudworth
- Cumberland House
- Cupar
- Cupar No. 218
- Cut Knife
- Cut Knife No. 439
- Cymri No. 36
- Dafoe
- Dalmeny
- Davidson
- Davin
- Daylesford
- Debden
- Deer Forks No. 232
- Delisle
- Delmas
- Demaine
- Denare Beach
- Dendron
- Denholm
- Denzil
- Dilke
- Dillon
- Dinsmore
- Disley
- Dodsland
- Dollard
- Domremy
- Doré Lake
- Dorintosh
- Douglas No. 436
- Drake
- Drinkwater
- Dubuc
- Duck Lake
- Duck Lake No. 463
- Duff
- Dufferin No. 190
- Dunblane
- Dundurn
- Dundurn No. 314
- Dunelm
- Dunfermline
- Duval
- Dysart
- Eagle Creek No. 376
- Earl Grey
- Eastend
- East Poplar
- Eatonia
- Ebenezer
- Echo Bay
- Edam
- Edenwold
- Edenwold No. 158
- Edgeley
- Edgeworth
- Elbow
- Elcapo No. 154
- Eldersley
- Eldon No. 471
- Eldorado
- Elfros
- Elfros No. 307
- Elmsthorpe No. 100
- Elrose
- Emerald No. 277
- Endeavour
- Enfield No. 194
- Englefeld
- Enniskillen No. 3
- Enterprise No. 142
- Ernfold
- Erwood
- Esterhazy
- Estevan
- Estevan No. 5
- Eston
- Estuary
- Etters Beach
- Evesham
- Excel No. 71
- Excelsior No. 166
- Eyebrow
- Eyebrow No. 193
- Eye Hill No. 382
- Fairholme
- Fairlight
- Fenwood
- Fertile Belt No. 183
- Fertile Valley No. 285
- Feudal
- Fielding
- Fillmore
- Fillmore No. 96
- Findlater
- Fish Creek No. 402
- Fiske
- Flat Valley
- Flaxcombe
- Fleming
- Flett's Springs No. 429
- Flin Flon
- Flintoft
- Foam Lake
- Foam Lake No. 276
- Fond-du-Lac
- Forget
- Fort Qu’Appelle
- Fort San
- Forward
- Fosston
- Four Corners
- Foxford
- Fox Valley
- Fox Valley No. 171
- Francis
- Francis No. 127
- Frenchman Butte
- Frobisher
- Frontier
- Frontier No. 19
- Furdale
- Furness
- Fusilier
- Gainsborough
- Garden River No. 490
- Garrick
- Garry No. 245
- Gerald
- Girvin
- Gladmar
- Glaslyn
- Glasnevin
- Glenavon
- Glen Bain No. 105
- Glenbush
- Glen Ewen
- Glen Harbour
- Glen Kerr
- Glen McPherson No. 46
- Glenside
- Glenside No. 377
- Glentworth
- Glidden
- Golden Prairie
- Golden Ridge
- Golden West No. 95
- Goldfields
- Goodeve
- Good Lake No. 274
- Goodsoil
- Goodwater
- Gorlitz
- Govan
- Govenlock
- Grainland
- Grand Coulee
- Grandora
- Grandview Beach
- Grandview No. 349
- Grant No. 372
- Grass Lake No. 381
- Grassy Creek No. 78
- Gravelbourg
- Gravelbourg No. 104
- Gray
- Grayson
- Grayson No. 184
- Great Bend No. 405
- Green Lake
- Greig Lake
- Grenfell
- Griffin
- Griffin No. 66
- Gronlid
- Guernsey
- Gull Lake
- Gull Lake No. 139
- Gunworth
- Hafford
- Hagen
- Hague
- Halbrite
- Halvorgate
- Hamlin
- Handel
- Handsworth
- Hanley
- Happyland No. 231
- Happy Valley No. 10
- Harptree
- Harris
- Harris No. 316
- Hart
- Hart Butte No. 11
- Hatfield
- Hatton
- Hawarden
- Hawkeye
- Hazel Dell No. 335
- Hazelwood No. 94
- Hazenmore
- Hazlet
- Heart's Hill No. 352
- Hendon
- Henribourg
- Hepburn
- Herbert
- Herschel
- Heward
- Highgate
- Hillmond
- Hillsborough No. 132
- Hillsdale No. 440
- Hinchliffe
- Hodgeville
- Hoey
- Holbein
- Holdfast
- Hoodoo No. 401
- Hoosier
- Horsham
- Hubbard
- Hudson Bay
- Hudson Bay No. 394
- Humboldt
- Humboldt No. 370
- Huron No. 223
- Hyas
- Ile-à-la-Crosse
- Imperial
- Indian Head
- Indian Head No. 156
- Insinger No. 275
- Invergordon No. 430
- Invermay
- Invermay No. 305
- Island Falls
- Island View
- Ituna
- Ituna Bon Accord No. 246
- Jans Bay
- Jansen
- Jordan River
- Junor
- Kamsack
- Kandahar
- Kannata Valley
- Katepwa
- Kayville
- Keatley
- Keeler
- Kelfield
- Kelliher
- Kellross No. 247
- Kelso Station
- Kelvington
- Kelvington No. 366
- Kenaston
- Kendal
- Kennedy
- Kenosee Park
- Keppel
- Kerrobert
- Kessock
- Ketchen
- Keys No. 303
- Key West No. 70
- Khedive
- Killaly
- Killdeer
- Kilwinning
- Kincaid
- Kindersley
- Kindersley No. 290
- King George No. 256
- Kingsley No. 124
- Kinistino
- Kinistino No. 459
- Kinley
- Kipling
- Kipling Station
- Kisbey
- Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay
- Kronau
- Krydor
- Kuroki
- Kyle
- Kylemore
- Lacadena No. 228
- Lac Pelletier No. 107
- Laflèche
- Laird
- Laird No. 404
- Lajord No. 128
- Lake Alma
- Lake Alma No. 8
- Lake Johnston No. 102
- Lakeland No. 521
- Lake Lenore
- Lake Lenore No. 399
- Lake of the Rivers No. 72
- Lakeside No. 338
- Lake Valley
- Lakeview
- Lakeview No. 337
- La Loche
- La Loche West
- Lampman
- Lancer
- Landis
- Lang
- Langbank
- Langenburg
- Langenburg No. 181
- Langham
- Lanigan
- Laporte
- La Ronge
- Lashburn
- Last Mountain Valley No. 250
- Laurier No. 38
- Lawtonia No. 135
- Leader
- Leask
- Leask No. 464
- Lebret
- Leinan
- Lemberg
- Lemsford
- Leney
- Leoville
- Leross
- Leroy
- Leroy No. 339
- Leslie
- Leslie Beach
- Lestock
- Liberty
- Lillestrom
- Limerick
- Lintlaw
- Lipton
- Lipton No. 217
- Lisieux
- Livelong
- Livingston No. 331
- Lloydminster
- Lockwood
- Lomond No. 37
- Lone Tree No. 18
- Longlaketon No. 219
- Loomis
- Loon Lake
- Loon Lake No. 561
- Loon River
- Loreburn
- Loreburn No. 254
- Lost River No. 313
- Love
- Loverna
- Lucky Lake
- Lumsden
- Lumsden Beach
- Lumsden No. 189
- Luseland
- Macdowall
- Macklin
- MacNutt
- Macoun
- Macrorie
- Madison
- Maidstone
- Main Centre
- Mair
- Major
- Makwa
- Manitou Beach
- Manitou Lake No. 442
- Mankota
- Mankota No. 45
- Manor
- Mantario
- Maple Bush No. 224
- Maple Creek
- Maple Creek No. 111
- Marcelin
- Marengo
- Margo
- Mariposa No. 350
- Markinch
- Marquis
- Marquis No. 191
- Marriott No. 317
- Marsden
- Marshall
- Martensville
- Martin No. 122
- Maryfield
- Maryfield No. 91
- Masefield
- Matador
- Mawer
- Maxstone
- Mayfair
- Mayfield No. 406
- Maymont
- Mazenod
- McCord
- McCraney No. 282
- McGee
- McKague
- McKillop No. 220
- McLean
- McLeod No. 185
- McMorran
- McTaggart
- Meacham
- Meadow Lake
- Meadow Lake No. 588
- Meath Park
- Medstead
- Medstead No. 497
- Meeting Lake No. 466
- Mehan
- Melfort
- Melville
- Melville Beach
- Mendham
- Meota
- Meota No. 468
- Merid
- Mervin
- Mervin No. 499
- Meskanaw
- Metinota
- Meyronne
- Michel
- Michel Village
- Midale
- Middle Lake
- Mikado
- Milden
- Milden No. 286
- Mildred
- Milestone
- Milton No. 292
- Minton
- Miry Creek No. 229
- Missinipe
- Mistatim
- Mistusinne
- Mitchellton
- Monet No. 257
- Montmartre
- Montmartre No. 126
- Montreal Lake
- Montrose No. 315
- Moose Creek No. 33
- Moose Jaw
- Moose Jaw No. 161
- Moose Mountain No. 63
- Moose Range No. 486
- Moosomin
- Moosomin No. 121
- Moreland
- Morin Creek
- Morris No. 312
- Morse
- Morse No. 165
- Mortlach
- Mossbank
- Mountain View No. 318
- Mount Hope No. 279
- Mount Pleasant No. 2
- Mozart
- Mudie Lake
- Muenster
- Mullingar
- Naicam
- Naisberry
- Napatak
- Neidpath
- Neilburg
- Neptune
- Netherhill
- Neuanlage
- Neudorf
- Neuhorst
- Neville
- Newcombe No. 260
- New Osgoode
- Nipawin
- Nipawin No. 487
- Nokomis
- Nora
- Norquay
- North Battleford
- North Battleford No. 437
- Northgate
- North Grove
- North Park
- North Portal
- North Qu'Appelle No. 187
- Northside
- Norton No. 69
- Nottingham
- Oakdale No. 320
- Oban
- Odessa
- Ogema
- Okla
- Old Post No. 43
- Old Wives
- Onion Lake
- Ordale
- Orkney No. 244
- Ormiston
- Osage
- Osler
- Otthon
- Oungre
- Outlook
- Outram Station
- Oxbow
- Paddockwood
- Paddockwood No. 520
- Palmer
- Pambrun
- Pangman
- Paradise Hill
- Parkbeg
- Parkdale No. 498
- Parkside
- Parkview
- Parry
- Pascal
- Pasqua
- Patuanak
- Paynton
- Paynton No. 470
- Pebble Baye
- Peebles
- Peerless
- Pelican Narrows
- Pelican Pointe
- Pelly
- Penn
- Pennant
- Pense
- Pense No. 160
- Penzance
- Perdue
- Perdue No. 346
- Piapot
- Piapot No. 110
- Pierceland
- Pilger
- Pilot Butte
- Pinebluff
- Pinehouse
- Pinkham
- Pinto Creek No. 75
- Pittville No. 169
- Pleasantdale
- Pleasantdale No. 398
- Pleasant Valley No. 288
- Plenty
- Plunkett
- Polwarth
- Ponass Lake No. 367
- Ponteix
- Poplar Valley No. 12
- Porcupine No. 395
- Porcupine Plain
- Prairiedale No. 321
- Prairie River
- Prairie Rose No. 309
- Preeceville
- Preeceville No. 334
- Prelate
- Primate
- Prince
- Prince Albert
- Prince Albert No. 461
- Progress No. 351
- Prud'Homme
- Punnichy
- Qu’Appelle
- Quill Lake
- Quinton
- Rabbit Lake
- Radisson
- Radville
- Rama
- Rapid View
- Ravendale
- Raymore
- Reciprocity No. 32
- Redberry No. 435
- Redburn No. 130
- Red Deer Hill
- Red Pheasant
- Redvers
- Reford No. 379
- Regina
- Regina Beach
- Reno No. 51
- Reserve
- Revenue
- Reward
- Reynaud
- Rhein
- Riceton
- Richard
- Richmound
- Ridgedale
- Riverhurst
- Riverside No. 168
- Robsart
- Rocanville
- Rocanville No. 151
- Roche Percée
- Rockglen
- Rockhaven
- Rodgers No. 133
- Rosedale No. 283
- Rosemount No. 378
- Roseray
- Rosetown
- Rose Valley
- Rosthern
- Rosthern No. 403
- Rouleau
- Round Hill No. 467
- Round Valley No. 410
- Ruddell
- Rudy No. 284
- Runnymede
- Rush Lake
- Ruthilda
- Ryerson
- Saint Cyr Lake
- Saint-Isidore-de-Bellevue
- Saltcoats
- Saltcoats No. 213
- Salvador
- Sanctuary
- Sandwith
- Sandy Bay
- Sandy Lake
- Sandy Narrows
- Sarnia No. 221
- Saskatchewan Beach
- Saskatchewan Landing No. 167
- Saskatoon
- Sasman No. 336
- Sceptre
- Scotsguard
- Scott
- Scott No. 98
- Sedley
- Semans
- Senlac
- Senlac No. 411
- Shackleton
- Shamrock
- Shamrock No. 134
- Shaunavon
- Sheho
- Shellbrook
- Shellbrook No. 493
- Shell Lake
- Sherwood No. 159
- Shields
- Shipman
- Silton
- Silver Park
- Silverwood No. 123
- Simmie
- Simpson
- Sintaluta
- Sliding Hills No. 273
- Smeaton
- Smiley
- Snipe Lake No. 259
- Snowden
- Somme
- Sonningdale
- Souris Valley No. 7
- Southend
- Southey
- South Fork
- South Lake
- South Qu'Appelle No. 157
- Sovereign
- Spalding
- Spalding No. 368
- Speers
- Spiritwood
- Spiritwood No. 496
- Springside
- Spring Valley
- Springwater
- Spy Hill
- Spy Hill No. 152
- Stalwart
- St. Andrews No. 287
- Stanley Mission
- Stanley No. 215
- Star City
- Star City No. 428
- St. Benedict
- St. Brieux
- Stenen
- Stewart Valley
- St. George's Hill
- St. Gregor
- St. Louis
- St. Louis No. 431
- Stockholm
- Stonehenge No. 73
- Stony Rapids
- Storthoaks
- Storthoaks No. 31
- Stoughton
- St. Peter No. 369
- St. Philips No. 301
- Stranraer
- Strasbourg Station
- Strongfield
- Sturgeon Landing
- Sturgis
- St. Walburg
- Success
- Sunset Cove
- Sun Valley
- Superb
- Surprise Valley
- Sutherland
- Sutton No. 103
- Swanson
- Swift Current
- Swift Current No. 137
- Sylvania
- Tadmore
- Talmage
- Tantallon
- Tecumseh No. 65
- Terrell No. 101
- Tessier
- The Gap No. 39
- Theodore
- The Two Rivers
- Thode
- Three Lakes No. 400
- Tichfield
- Timber Bay
- Tisdale
- Tisdale No. 427
- Tobin Lake
- Togo
- Tompkins
- Tonkin
- Torch River No. 488
- Torquay
- Totzke
- Touchwood No. 248
- Tramping Lake
- Tramping Lake No. 380
- Tribune
- Trossachs
- Truax
- Tuffnell
- Tugaske
- Tullymet No. 216
- Turnor Lake
- Turtleford
- Turtle River No. 469
- Tuxford
- Tway
- Tyner
- Unity
- Uranium City