Cities in British Columbia
- 100 Mile House
- 105 Mile House
- 108 Mile Ranch
- 111 Mile House
- 114 Mile House
- 122 Mile House
- 127 Mile House
- 12 Mile
- 141 Mile House
- 150 Mile House
- 40 Mile Flats
- 70 Mile
- 70 Mile House
- 93 Mile
- Aa-at-sow-is
- Abbotsford
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen
- Acous
- Adams Lake
- Agassiz
- Agate
- Ahbau
- Ahousat
- Ah:tliish
- Ainsworth Hot Springs
- Aiyansh
- Ak:tiis
- Alamo
- Albas
- Alberni
- Albert Canyon
- Albert Head
- Albion
- Albreda
- Alder Creek
- Aldergrove
- Alert Bay
- Alexandria
- Alexis Creek
- Aleza Lake
- Alice Arm
- Alice Siding
- Alkali Lake
- Allenby
- Alliford Bay
- Allison Lake
- Almond Gardens
- Alpine Meadows
- Alta Lake
- Altamont
- Altona
- Alvin
- A:mai
- Ambleside
- Amsbury
- Anaconda
- Anahim Lake
- Anaqtl'a
- Anderson
- Andimaul
- Anglemont
- Angusmac
- Anmore
- Annacis
- Anniedale
- Annis
- Anvil Island
- Anyox
- Anzac
- Apex Mountain
- Appledale
- Applegrove
- Arbutus Ridge
- Arbutus Ridge
- Arden Park
- Ardmore
- Argenta
- Armstrong
- Armstrong Junction
- Arnold
- Arras
- Arrow Creek
- Arrowhead
- Arrow Park
- Arrowsmith
- Arrowview Heights
- Ashcroft
- Ashton Creek
- Aspen Grove
- Atbara
- Atchelitz
- Athalmer
- Atlin
- Atluck
- Atnarko
- Attachie
- Austin Heights
- Australian
- Avola
- Azouzetta
- Azu Ski Village
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker Creek
- Baldonnel
- Baldy Hughes
- Balfour
- Balmoral
- Balmoral Beach
- Bamberton
- Bamfield
- Bankeir
- Barkerville
- Barlow
- Barlow Creek
- Barnet
- Barnhartvale
- Barnston Island
- Barrett
- Barrett Lake
- Barriere
- Barrowtown
- Basford
- Basque
- Bastion Bay
- Batchelor Hills
- Baynes Lake
- Beachcomber Bay
- Beach Grove
- Bear Camp
- Bear Creek
- Bear Creek
- Bear Flat
- Bear Lake
- Bear Lake
- Bear Mountain
- Beasley
- Beaton
- Beatton
- Beatton Ranch
- Beaver Cove
- Beaver Creek
- Beaverdell
- Beaver Falls
- Beaver Lake
- Beaverley
- Beavermouth
- Beaver Pass House
- Beaver Point
- Becher House
- Bedwell Harbour
- Belcarra
- Bella Bella
- Bella Coola
- Belleview
- Bell II
- Bellos
- Belmont Park
- Belvedere
- Bend
- Benledi
- Ben-My-Chree
- Bennett
- Benson Lake
- Benvoulin
- Beresford
- Bergs
- Beryl Prairie
- Bessborough
- Bestwick
- Bevan
- Big Bar Creek
- Big Bay
- Big Creek
- Big Eddy
- Big Lake Ranch
- Big White
- Billings
- Billings Bay
- Birchbank
- Birchdale
- Birch Island
- Birchland Manor
- Birken
- Blackcomb
- Black Creek
- Black Creek
- Blackloam
- Black Pines
- Blackpool
- Blackwater
- Blaeberry
- Blake
- Blakeburn
- Blewett
- Blind Bay
- Blind Channel
- Bliss Landing
- Bloedel
- Blowhole
- Blubber Bay
- Blucher Hall
- Blueberry Creek
- Blue Hills
- Blueridge
- Blue River
- Blue River East
- Blue River West
- Blue Springs
- Boat Basin
- Boat Harbour
- Bob Quinn Lake
- Bold Point
- Bond
- Bonnet Hill
- Bonnington Falls
- Boothroyd
- Boring Ranch
- Boston Bar
- Boston Flats
- Boswell
- Boswell
- Bouchie Lake
- Boulder
- Boulder City
- Boundary Bay
- Boundary Falls
- Boundary Road
- Bowen Bay
- Bowen Island
- Bowser
- Box Lake
- Brackendale
- Bradner
- Brady Ranch
- Braeloch
- Braemar Heights
- Braeside
- Bralorne
- Brandon
- Brandywine
- Brem River
- Brentwood Bay
- Brentwood Park
- Brew Bay
- Brexton
- Briar Ridge
- Bridal Falls
- Bridesville
- Bridge
- Bridge Lake
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeview
- Brigade Lake
- Brighouse
- Brighton Beach
- Brilliant
- Brisco
- Britannia Beach
- British Properties
- Broadmoor
- Broadview
- Brocklehurst
- Broman Lake
- Brookmere
- Brookswood
- Brouse
- Brownsville
- Brunette Creek
- Brunswick
- Brunswick Beach
- Bryn
- Buccaneer Bay
- Buckhorn
- Buckingham Heights
- Buckinghorse River
- Buckley Bay
- Buffalo Creek
- Buick
- Bulkley Canyon
- Bulkley House
- Bull Harbour
- Bull River
- Bungalow G
- Buntzen Bay
- Burke Road
- Burkeville
- Burnaby
- Burnaby Heights
- Burns Lake
- Burquitlam
- Burton
- Butedale
- Cache Creek
- Cadboro Bay
- Caesars
- Cahilty
- Caithness
- Cale
- Callison Ranch
- Cambie
- Camborne
- Cameron Heights
- Cameron Lake
- Camp Artaban
- Campbell Creek
- Campbell Island
- Campbell River
- Campbellton
- Camp McKinney
- Canal Flats
- Canford
- Canim
- Canim Lake
- Canoe
- Canoe River
- Canyon
- Canyon Alpine
- Canyon Heights
- Canyon Hot Springs
- Capilano Highlands
- Capitol Hill
- Cariboo
- Cariboo
- Cariboo
- Cariboo Meadows
- Carlin
- Carlson
- Carmi
- Carnaby
- Carp
- Carraholly
- Carrolls Landing
- Carrs
- Carson
- Cascade
- Cascade
- Cascade Heights
- Casino
- Cassiar
- Cassidy
- Cassin
- Castledale
- Castlegar
- Castle Rock
- Caswell
- Cathedral
- Caulfeild
- Cawston
- Caycuse
- Cecil Lake
- Cedar
- Cedardale
- Cedar Grove
- Cedarside
- Cedarvale
- Ceepeecee
- Celista
- Central Saanich
- Centreville
- CFB Chilliwack
- Chaatl
- Cha cha tsi tsi us
- Chamiss Bay
- Chap-is
- Chapman Camp
- Chapmans
- Charella Garden
- Charles
- Charlie Lake
- Charlotte Lake
- Chase
- Chase River
- Chasm
- Chaumox
- Cheakamus
- Cheam View
- Cheekye
- Chemainus
- Chenatha
- Chequis
- Cherry Creek
- Cherry Creek
- Cherryville
- Cheslatta
- Chetarpe
- Chetwynd
- Chezacut
- Chilanko Forks
- Chilcotin Forest
- Chilliwack
- China Bar
- Chineside
- Chinook Cove
- Choate
- Chopaka
- Christian Valley
- Christina Lake
- Chu Chua
- Chumata
- Church House
- Chute Lake
- Cinema
- Cinnabar Valley
- Cisco
- City of West Kelowna
- Clairmont
- Clanwilliam
- Clapperton
- Clayburn
- Clayhurst
- Clayoquot
- Clearbrook
- Clearwater
- Clemina East
- Clemina West
- Clemretta
- Cleveland Park
- Cliffside
- Clinton
- Clode
- Clo-oose
- Cloverdale
- Clutus
- Coal Harbour
- Coalmont
- Coal River
- Cody
- Cokato
- Coldspring House
- Coldstream
- Coldwell Beach
- Colebank
- Colebrook
- College Heights
- Collettville
- Colleymount
- Colquitz
- Columbia Gardens
- Colvalli
- Colwood
- Comer
- Commodore Heights
- Comox
- Connaught Heights
- Conrad
- Coombe
- Coombs
- Cooper Creek
- Copper Creek
- Copper Creek
- Copper Mountain
- Coquitlam
- Corbin
- Cordova Bay
- Corra Linn
- Cortes Bay
- Cosy Cove
- Cottonwood
- Cotwood
- Courtenay
- Coutlee
- Cove Cliff
- Cowans Point
- Cowichan Bay
- Cowichan Station
- Coykendahl
- Coyle
- Cracroft
- Craigellachie
- Cranberry
- Cranberry Junction
- Cranbrook
- Crawford Bay
- Creekside
- Creighton Valley
- Crescent
- Crescent Bay
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Spur
- Crescent Valley
- Creston
- Criss Creek
- Crofton
- Croydon
- Crysdale
- Cultus Lake
- Cumberland
- Cumshewa
- Curzon
- Cypress Park
- Dadens
- Dallas
- Danskin
- D'Arcy
- Darfield
- Darrell Bay
- Dartmoor
- Dashwood
- Davidson
- Davis Bay
- Dawson Creek
- Dawsons Landing
- Days Ranch
- Deadwood
- Dease Lake
- Decker Lake
- Deekyakus
- Deep Bay
- Deep Cove
- Deep Cove
- Deep Creek
- Deerholme
- Deer Park
- Defot
- Deka Lake
- Delbrook
- Delkatla
- Delta
- Demean
- Denman Island
- Dentville
- Departure Bay
- Deroche
- Devine
- Dewdney
- Dewey
- Digby Island
- Dochsupple
- Dodge Cove
- Doe River
- Dog Creek
- Dog Creek
- Dogwood Valley
- Doig River
- Dokie
- Dokie Siding
- Dollarton
- Dolphin Beach
- Dome Creek
- Donald
- Donald Landing
- Donnely Landing
- Dookqua
- Doriston
- Dorreen
- Dot
- Douglas
- Douglas Lake
- Downie
- Dragon
- Drewry
- Driftwood Creek
- Dry Gulch
- Drynoch
- DuBose
- Duck Range
- Dufferin
- Dugan Lake
- Dunbar-Southlands
- Duncan
- Duncan Bay
- Duncanby Landing
- Dundarave
- Dunkley
- Dunsmuir
- Dunster
- Durieu
- Eagle Bay
- Eagle Bluff
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Harbour
- Eagle Heights
- Eagle Ridge
- Eagle Run
- Earls Cove
- East Arrow Park
- Eastbourne
- Eastburn
- Eastgate
- East Gate
- East Kelowna
- East Osoyoos
- East Pine
- East Sooke
- East Trail
- East Wellington
- Echo Bay
- Ecoole
- Eddontenajon
- Eddy
- Edelweiss
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Egmont
- Ehatisaht
- Eholt
- Ekins Point
- Ekwan
- Elephant Crossing
- Elgin
- Elk Bay
- Elkford
- Elko
- Elk Prairie
- Elkview
- Elleh
- Ellison
- Elphinstone
- Encombe
- Endako
- Enderby
- Engen
- Engineer
- Enterprise
- Erickson
- Erie
- Errington
- Esler
- Esperanza
- Esquimalt
- Essondale
- Estevan Point
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Ewing
- Exeter
- Exlou
- Exstew
- Extension
- Fairbridge
- Fairfield
- Fairfield
- Fair Harbour
- Fairmont
- Fairmont Hot Springs
- Fairview
- Fairview
- Falkland
- Falls
- Falls Creek
- False Bay
- Fanny Bay
- Farmington
- Farrell Creek
- Farron
- Faulder
- Fauquier
- Federal Ranch
- Fellers Heights
- Fenwick
- Ferguson
- Ferndale
- Fernie
- Fernlee
- Fern Ridge
- Fernwood
- Field
- Fife
- Fifth Cabin
- Fill
- Finmoore
- Fintry
- Fireside
- Firvale
- Fitzwilliam
- Five Mile
- Flat Creek
- Flathead
- Flatrock
- Fleetwood
- Fleming
- Floods
- Flying U
- Fontas
- Forde
- Fording
- Foreman
- Forestdale
- Forest Grove
- Forest Hills
- Forest Knolls
- Fort Babine
- Fort Fraser
- Fort Langley
- Fort Nelson
- Fort Rupert
- Fort Saint James
- Fort Saint John
- Fort Steele
- Fort Ware
- Foss
- Foster
- Fosthall
- Fountain
- Fountain Valley
- Fourth Cabin
- Fowler
- Fraine
- Frames
- François Lake
- Franklin Camp
- Fraser
- Fraser Heights
- Fraser Lake
- Fraser Mills
- Fraser River Junction
- Fraserview
- Frederick
- French Creek
- Fruitvale
- Fry Creek
- Fulford Harbour
- Furry Creek
- Gabriola
- Galena
- Galena Bay
- Galiano
- Galloway
- Gambier Harbour
- Ganges
- Gang Ranch
- Garbitt
- Garden Bay
- Garden Village
- Garibaldi
- Garibaldi Estates
- Garibaldi Highlands
- Garnet Valley
- Gates
- Gateway
- Gellatly
- Genelle
- Genoa Bay
- George River
- Georgetown Mills
- Germansen Landing
- Gerrard
- Gibbs
- Gibraltar
- Gibson Creek
- Gibsons
- Gifford
- Gillies Bay
- Gilpin
- Gingolx
- Giscome
- Gitanyow
- Gitlaxksiip
- Gitwinksihlkw
- Glacier
- Glade
- Gladwin
- Gleam
- Glenannan
- Glenbank
- Glenbrooke North
- Glendale
- Gleneagles
- Gleneden
- Glenemma
- Glen Fraser
- Glen Lake
- Glenlily
- Glenmerry
- Glenmore
- Glenogle
- Glenora
- Glenrosa
- Glentanna
- Glen Valley
- Glen Vowell
- Goatfell
- Goat River
- Gold Bridge
- Golden
- Gold River
- Goldstream
- Good Hope
- Good Hope Lake
- Goodlow
- Goose Bay
- Gordon Head
- Gordon River
- Gosnell
- Graham
- Gramsons
- Grand Forks
- Grand Haven
- Grand Rapids
- Grand Trunk
- Granduc
- Grandview
- Grandview Bench
- Grandview-Woodlands
- Granisle
- Granite
- Granite Bay
- Granite Falls
- Grant Brook
- Grantham
- Granthams Landing
- Grasmere
- Grassy Plains
- Gravelle Ferry
- Gray Creek
- Greata
- Great Central
- Greeley
- Green Cove
- Greendale
- Greenhills
- Greening
- Green River
- Greenwood
- Griffith
- Grindrod
- Groundbirch
- Guildford
- Gutah
- Gyproc
- Hagensborg
- Hagwilget
- Haig
- Haina
- Haisla
- Halfmoon Bay
- Halfway Ranch
- Hall
- Halliday
- Hanceville
- Haney
- Hansard
- Happy Valley
- Harbour Chines
- Harbour Village
- Hardwicke Island
- Harmac
- Harmer
- Harrison Hot Springs
- Harrison Mills
- Harrogate
- Harrop
- Hart
- Hart Highlands
- Hartley Bay
- Harvey
- Hasler Flat
- Hastings-Sunrise
- Hatzic
- Hawks
- Haysport
- Hayward
- Hazelmere
- Hazelton
- Headquarters
- Health Bay
- Hecate
- Hector
- Hedley
- Heffley Creek
- Hells Gate
- Hemlock Valley
- Hendrix Lake
- Heriot Bay
- Hesquiat
- Heydon Bay
- Hickethier Ranch
- Hicks
- Highlands
- Hiina'is
- Hillbank
- Hillcrest
- Hilliers
- Hills
- Hilltop
- Hippa
- Hisnit
- Hitacu
- Hi'tatis
- Hiusta Meadow
- Hixon
- Hkusam
- Hodda
- Holberg
- Hollyburn
- Holmwood
- Homfray Creek
- Honeymoon Bay
- Hoo-ii
- Hope
- Hope Bay
- Hopetown
- Hopington
- Hopkins Landing
- Hornby Island
- Horse Creek
- Horsefly
- Horseshoe Bay
- Hosmatqts'os
- Hosmer
- Hospital Hill
- Hot Springs Cove
- Houpsitas
- Houston
- Howser
- Huble
- Hudson's Hope
- Hulatt
- Hulcross
- Hullcar
- Huntingdon
- Huntington
- Hunts Inlet
- Hupel
- Huscroft
- Hutchison
- Hutton
- Hu'ul
- Hyde Creek
- Hydraulic
- Hydro
- Hyland Post
- Hyland Ranch
- Illecillewaet
- Ingenika Mine
- Inkaneep
- Inkitsaph
- Invermere
- Ioco
- Iracard
- Iron Bay
- Irvine
- Irvines Landing
- Iskut
- Island Cache
- Isle Pierre
- Jackman
- Jackson Bay
- Jacksons
- Jade City
- Jaffray
- Jaleslie
- James Bay
- Jayem
- Jedway
- Jellicoe
- Jersey
- Jesmond
- Jeune Landing
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson Heights
- Johnsons Landing
- Juniper Ridge
- Jura
- Juskatla
- Kahntah
- Kaisun
- Kakawis
- Kalamalka
- Kaleden
- Kallum
- Kamloops
- Kamloops Junction
- Kanaka
- Kanaka Bar
- Ka:ook
- Ka:oop:insh
- Karlukwees
- Kaslo
- Katz
- Ka-x-shiitl
- Ka:youk
- Keating
- Keats Island
- Kedleston
- Keefers
- Keithley Creek
- Keith-Lynn
- Kelly Lake
- Kelly Lake
- Kelowna
- Kelvin
- Kemano
- Kemano Beach
- Kendrick Camp
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kensington-Cedar Cottage
- Kent
- Keremeos
- Kerr Creek
- Kerrisdale
- Kersley
- Kettle Valley
- Kicking Horse
- Kidd
- K'i Deldel
- Kiikiixink'ok
- Kiix aa
- Kiix-in
- Kilbella Bay
- Kildala Arm
- Kildonan
- Kilgard
- Kilkerran
- Killarney
- Killiney Beach
- Killy
- Kimberley
- Kimsquit
- Kingcome
- Kingcome Inlet
- Kingfisher
- Kingsgate
- Kingsvale
- Kinnaird
- Kiskatinaw
- Kispiox
- Kissick
- Kitamaat Village
- Kitchener
- Kitimat
- Kitkatla
- Kitsault
- Kitseguecla
- Kitselas
- Kitsilano
- Kitsumkalum
- Kitwanga
- Kiusta
- Kleecoot
- Kleena Kleene
- Kleindale
- Klemtu
- Kliikliihuwis
- Klit-kle-mah-ah
- Klua
- Knockholt
- Knutsford
- Kobes
- Kokish
- Koksilah
- Komo
- Kookswees
- Kootenay Bay
- Kootenay Crossing
- Kootenay Landing
- Koster
- K'oxsinqii
- Kragmont
- Krestova
- 'Ksan
- Kuldo
- Kung
- Kuskonook
- Kwinaquth
- Kwinitsa
- Kwisitis
- Kyuquot
- Lac la Hache
- Lac Le Jeune
- Ladner
- Ladysmith
- Lafferty
- Laidlaw
- Lake Buntzen
- Lake Country
- Lake Cowichan
- Lake Errock
- Lake Hill
- Lake Kathlyn
- Lakelse
- Lakelse Lake
- Laketon
- Lakeview Heights
- Lamming Mills
- Lang Bay
- Langdale
- Langford
- Langley
- Lantzville
- Lardeau
- Larkin
- Larsons Landing
- Lasha
- Lasqueti
- Laurentian Belaire
- Lauretta
- Lavington
- Lawnhill
- Laxgalts'ap
- Lax Kw'alaams
- Lazo
- Leanchoil
- Lebahdo
- Leechtown
- Lee Creek
- Lees Corner
- Legrand
- Lejac
- Lemon Creek
- Lemoray
- Lempriere
- Leo Creek
- Lexau Ranch
- Liard River
- Liersch
- Lighthouse Point
- Likely
- Lillooet
- Lily Lake
- Lime
- Lincoln Park
- Lindell
- Lindell Beach
- Lindeman
- Line Creek
- Lions Bay
- Lister
- Little Fort
- Little River
- Livingstone
- Lockeport
- Logan Lake
- Log Cabin
- Lone Butte
- Lone Prairie
- Longbeach
- Long Harbour
- Longworth
- Loon Lake
- Loos
- Louis Creek
- Lower China Creek
- Lower Lonsdale
- Lower Nicola
- Lower Post
- Lubin
- Lucas
- Lucerne
- Lumberton
- Lumby
- Lumby Junction
- Lund
- Lust Subdivision
- Luxor
- Luxton
- Lynnmour
- Lynn Valley
- Lynx Creek
- Lytton
- Maalth-sit
- Mabel Lake
- Macalister
- Macdonald
- Mackenzie
- Mackin
- MacNeill
- Macoah
- Madeira Park
- Magna Bay
- Magnum Mine
- Mahatta River
- Mah:kiit
- Mahood Falls
- Mahope
- Maht'ii'as
- Maillardville
- Makinson
- Malahat
- Malakwa
- Malibu
- Manning
- Manning Park
- Manson Creek
- Mansons Landing
- Mapes
- Maple Bay
- Maple Ridge
- Maplewood
- Maq:cup
- Mara
- Marblehead
- Margaret Bay
- Marguerite
- Marigold
- Marilla
- Marktosis
- Marne
- Marpole
- Marron Valley
- Marshall School Junction
- Martel
- Marten Lake
- Martin Prairie
- Martinson
- Mary Hill
- Marysville
- Mason Creek
- Masset
- Matilpi
- Matsqui
- Mayfair
- Mayne Island
- Mayook
- McAbee
- McBride
- McCabe
- McCall
- McCalls Landing
- McConnel
- McCracken
- McCulloch
- McDame
- McDonalds Landing
- McGillivray
- McGregor
- McGuire
- McKearney Ranch
- McKinley Landing
- McLean Ranch
- McLeese Lake
- McLeod
- McLeod Lake
- McLure
- McMurdo
- McMurphy
- McNab Creek
- Meachen
- Meadowbrook
- Meadow Creek
- Meadows
- Meadows
- Meem Quam Leese
- Meldrum
- Meldrum Creek
- Merritt
- Merton
- Merville
- Mesachie Lake
- Messiter
- Metchosin
- Metlakatla
- Metrotown
- Meziadin Junction
- Mica Creek
- Middlegate
- Middle River
- Midway
- Mile 62 1/2
- Mill Bay
- Mill Bay
- Millers Landing
- Millstream
- Milner
- Milnes Landing
- Minaty Bay
- Minstrel Island
- Minto Landing
- Miocene
- Miracle Valley
- Mirror Lake
- Mission
- Mitchell Bay
- Miworth
- Moberly
- Moberly Lake
- Moffat
- Moha
- Monias
- Mons
- Montague Harbour
- Monte Creek
- Monte Lake
- Montney
- Montrose
- Moose Heights
- Mooyah Bay
- Moran
- Moresby Camp
- Morey
- Moricetown
- Morrissey
- Mountain Station
- Mount Baldy
- Mount Currie
- Mount Gardner
- Mount Lehman
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Robson
- Mount Washington
- Moyie
- Mud Bay
- Mud Bay
- Mud River
- Muncho Lake
- Munro
- Munroe
- Murdale
- Murrayville
- Musgrave Landing
- Muskwa
- Myra
- Myrtle Point
- Nahmint
- Nahun
- Nakusp
- Nalos Landing
- Ná:mint
- Namu
- Nanaimo
- Nanoose Bay
- Naramata
- Narcosli Creek
- Nass Camp
- Natal
- Nazko
- Nechako
- Nechako
- Needles
- Needley
- Nelson
- Nelson Forks
- Nelway
- Nemaiah Valley
- Nesters
- New Aiyansh
- New Brighton
- Newcastle
- New Clew
- New Denver
- Newgate
- New Hazelton
- Newlands
- New Settlement
- Newton
- New Westminster
- Niagara
- Nichol
- Nichols
- Nicholson
- Nicola
- Nicomen
- Nig
- Nimpkish
- Nimpkish Heights
- Nimpo Lake
- Ninstints
- Niteal
- Nootka
- Noralee
- Norgate
- Norlake
- North Bend
- North Bonaparte
- North Bulkley
- North Campbell River
- North Cowichan
- North Delta
- Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
- Northfield
- North Galiano
- North Kamloops
- North Lonsdale
- North Nechako
- North Pine
- North Poplar
- Northridge
- North Saanich
- North Star
- North Vancouver
- North Woodlands
- Norton
- Notch Hill
- Nuchaquis
- Nuchatlitz
- Nukko Lake
- Nulki
- Nursery
- Nuumaqimyis
- Oak Bay
- Oak Hills
- Oakridge
- Oasis
- Ocean Falls
- Ocean Grove
- Ocean Park
- O'Dell
- Ogden
- Okanagan Centre
- Okanagan Falls
- Okanagan Landing
- Okanagan Mission
- O'Keefe
- Olalla
- Old Bella Bella
- Old Fort
- Old Fort
- Old Fort Nelson
- Old Hogem
- Old Massett
- Old Remo
- Old Town
- Oliver
- Oliver's Landing
- Olson
- Onward
- Oona River
- Ootischenia
- Ootsa Lake
- Opitsat
- Orlomah Beach
- Osborn
- Osborn Bay
- Osland
- Osoyoos
- Osprey Lake
- Othello
- Ots'oo-a
- Otter Bay
- Ottertail
- Otway
- Ououkinsh
- Oweekeno
- Owen Bay
- Owl Creek
- Oxford Heights
- Oyama
- Oyster River
- Pacific
- Pahkeeahjim
- Paldi
- Palling
- Palliser
- Palmer
- Panorama
- Panorama Ridge
- Paradise Point
- Paradise Valley
- Parkdale Gardens
- Parkland
- Park Royal
- Park Siding
- Parksville
- Parson
- Pasley Island
- Pass Creek
- Passmore
- Paterson
- Paulson
- Pavey
- Pavilion
- Peachland
- Peejay
- Pemberton
- Pemberton Heights
- Pemberton Meadows
- Pender Island
- Pendleton Bay
- Pennington
- Penny
- Penticton
- Perow
- Perrys
- Peterson
- Phelan
- Phillips Arm
- Phoenix
- Pinantan Lake
- Pinchi
- Pinchi Lake
- Pinegrove
- Pinesul
- Pine Valley
- Pine Valley
- Pineview
- Pineview
- Pink Mountain
- Pioneer Mine
- Pitman
- Pitquah
- Pitt Meadows
- Pixie Beach
- Playmor Junction
- Pleasant Camp
- Pleasantside
- Plumper Harbour
- Polley
- Pope Landing
- Popkum
- Poplar Creek
- Poplar Grove
- Porcher Island
- Port Alberni
- Port Albion
- Port Alice
- Port Clements
- Port Coquitlam
- Port Desire
- Port Douglas
- Porteau
- Port Edward
- Porteous
- Porter Landing
- Port Essington
- Port Guichon
- Port Hammond
- Port Hardy
- Port Kells
- Port Mann
- Port McNeill
- Port Mellon
- Port Moody
- Port Neville
- Porto Rico
- Port Renfrew
- Port Washington
- Poser
- Postill
- Potter
- Pouce Coupe
- Poupore
- Powell River
- Powers Addition
- Prairiedale
- Prairie Valley
- Pratt
- Premier
- Premier Lake
- Prespatou
- Prince George
- Prince Rupert
- Princeton
- Pritchard
- Procter
- Progress
- Promontory
- Prophet River
- Prospect Lake
- Punchaw
- Puntledge
- Pyramid
- Qualicum Bay
- Qualicum Beach
- Quathiaski Cove
- Quatsino
- Quaw
- Queen Charlotte
- Queens Bay
- Queensborough
- Queens Cove
- Queens Park
- Quesnel
- Quesnel Forks
- Quesnel View
- Quick
- Quilchena
- Quin-e-ex
- Quinsam
- Radium
- Radium Hot Springs
- Rainy Hollow
- Ranchero
- Ranch Park
- Raspberry
- Raush Valley
- Rawlison
- Rayleigh
- Read Island
- Reclaim
- Red Bluff
- Redgrave
- Red Pass
- Red Rock
- Redroofs
- Red Rose
- Redstone
- Refuge Cove
- Reid Lake
- Remac
- Remo
- Renata
- Renfrew-Collingwood
- Retallack
- Retaskit
- Revelstoke
- Rhone
- Rich Bar
- Richmond
- Rider
- Ridgedale
- Ridley
- Riley
- Riley Park
- Riondel
- Riske Creek
- Ritchie
- River Jordan
- Riverside
- Rivers Inlet
- River Springs
- Rivervale
- Roberts Creek
- Robin Creek
- Robson
- Robson West
- Rock Bay
- Rock Creek
- Rockyview
- Roe Lake
- Rogers
- Rogers Pass
- Rolla
- Roosville
- Rosebery
- Rosedale
- Rose Harbour
- Rose Lake
- Rose Prairie
- Rossland
- Ross Peak
- Ross Spur
- Rosswood
- Round Lake
- Round Prairie
- Roy
- Royal Oak
- Royston
- Ruby Creek
- Rumble Beach
- Rupert
- Rushmere
- Ruskin
- Rutland
- Ryan
- Ryder Lake
- Rykerts
- Saanich
- Saanichton
- Sachawil
- Sachsa
- Saddle Rock
- Sahali
- Sahara Heights
- Sahtlam
- Saint Eugene Mission
- Saint Ives
- Saint Joseph Mission
- Salmo
- Salmon Arm
- Salmon Beach
- Salmon Valley
- Saloon
- Saltair
- Saltery Bay
- Salvus
- Sanca
- Sandon
- Sandspit
- Sandwick
- Sandy Cove
- San Josef
- Sapperton
- Saratoga Beach
- Sardis
- Sarita
- Saseenos
- Saturna
- Savona
- Savory
- Sayward
- Scotch Creek
- Scotia Bay
- Scott Cove
- Seafair
- Seaford
- Seaside Park
- Sechelt
- Secret Cove
- Seddall
- Seeney
- Selma Park
- Semlin
- Sentinel Hill
- Septimus
- Seton
- Seton Portage
- Seven Mile Corner
- Sevenoaks
- Sewall
- Sewell Inlet
- Seymour Arm
- Seymour Heights
- Seymour Lake
- Seymour Landing
- Shady Valley
- Shalalth
- Shames
- Shannon
- Shannon Bay
- Shaughnessy
- Sha:wiis
- Shawl Bay
- Shawnigan
- Shawnigan Lake
- Shearer Dale
- Shearwater
- Shelley
- Shelter Bay
- Shelter Point
- Sheraton
- Shere
- Sheridan Lake
- Sheslay
- Shingle Creek
- Shirley
- Shitlthmaq-is
- Shops
- Shoreacres
- Shoreholme
- Shulus
- Shushartie
- Shuswap
- Shuswap
- Shuswap Falls
- Shutty Bench
- Sicamous
- Sidney
- Sikanni
- Sikanni Chief
- Silica
- Silver Creek
- Silver Creek
- Silverdale
- Silverhill
- Silver Lake
- Silver River
- Silver Star
- Silverton
- Silver Valley
- Simoom Sound
- Simpson Ranch
- Sinclair Mills
- Sinkut River
- Sirdar
- Six Mile Point
- Six Mile Ranch
- Skedans
- Skeena
- Skeena Crossing
- Skidegate
- Skidegate Landing
- Skooks Landing
- Skookumchuck
- Skookumchuck
- Skoonka
- Slesse Park
- Slocan
- Slocan City
- Slocan Park
- Smithers
- Smithers Landing
- Smith River
- Snake River
- Snug Cove
- Snyder
- Sockeye
- Soda Creek
- Sointula
- Solsqua
- Somenos
- Sooke
- Sorrento
- Southarm
- Southbank
- South Bentinck
- South Cambie
- South Canoe
- South Dawson
- South Fort George
- South Hazelton
- South Lakeside
- South Poplar
- South Shalalth
- South Slocan
- South Slope
- South Sumas
- South Surrey
- South Taylor
- South Wellington
- Spallumcheen
- Sparwood
- Spatsum
- Spences Bridge
- Sperling
- Spicer
- Spillimacheen
- Springfield Ranch
- Springhouse
- Sproat Lake
- Sproatt
- Spuzzum
- Squamish
- Squeah
- Squilax
- Squirrel Cove
- Stanley
- Starks
- Stave Falls
- Steamboat
- Steelhead
- Stellako
- Steveston
- Stewardson Inlet
- Stewart
- Stikine
- Still Creek
- Stillwater
- Stillwater
- Stockett
- Stoner
- Stoney Creek
- Stories Beach
- Stout
- Strachan Creek
- Straiton
- Strathcona
- Strathcona Lodge
- Strathnaver
- Strawberry Hill
- Strawberry Vale
- Streatham
- Stuart Island
- Stuie
- Stump Lake
- Sturdies Bay
- Sugarcane
- Sullivan
- Sullivan Bay
- Sullivan Heights
- Summerland
- Summit Lake
- Summit Lake
- Summit Lake
- Sunbury
- Suncrest
- Sundance
- Sunningdale
- Sunnybrae
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside
- Sun Peaks
- Sunrise Valley
- Sunset
- Sunset Beach
- Sunset Prairie
- Sunshine
- Sunshine Bay
- Sunshine Hills
- Sunshine Valley
- Sun Valley
- Suquash
- Surge Narrows
- Surprise
- Surrey
- Surrey Centre
- Swansea
- Swartz Bay
- Sweetsbridge
- Sweetwater
- Swift
- Swiftwater
- Tabor
- Tacheeda
- Tachie
- Tadanac
- Taft
- Taghum
- Tahltan
- Tahsis
- Takla Landing
- Taku
- Takysie Lake
- Tallheo
- Tamarack
- Tamarisk
- Tanu
- Tappen
- Tarrys
- Ta:shiis
- Tasu
- Ta Ta Creek
- Tatalrose
- Tatla Lake
- Tatlayoko Lake
- Tatlow
- Tatogga
- Tatton
- Taverna
- Taylor
- Tchesinkut Lake
- Teakerne Arm
- Teeshohsum
- Teko
- Telachick
- Telegraph Cove
- Telegraph Creek
- Telkwa
- Ten Mile Lake
- Terrace
- Tetachuk
- Tête Jaune
- Tête Jaune Cache
- Theodosia Arm
- Thetis Island
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson Sound
- Thornhill
- Thornton Yard
- Three Forks
- Three Valley
- Thrums
- Thunderbird
- Thunder River
- Thurlow
- Thurston Harbour
- Thwaytes
- Tibbets
- Tiili Landing
- Tilbury
- Tillicum
- Tintagel
- Tipella
- Tisdall
- Tl'aaniiwa'a
- Tlakmaqis
- Tlell
- Tl'esqox
- Tl'etinqox
- Tl'isnachis
- Tl'itsnit
- Tloohat-a
- Toad River
- Tobiano
- Toby Creek
- Tochty
- Tofino
- Tohkwonon
- Toketic
- Tomslake
- Topley
- Topley Landing
- Torrent
- Towdystan
- Tower Lake
- Townsend
- Traders Cove
- Trafalgar
- Trail
- Tranquille
- Tremblay
- Trembleur
- Trépanier
- Trinity Valley
- Troup
- Trout Creek
- Trout Lake
- Trutch
- Tsawwassen
- Tsawwassen Beach
- Ts'axq'oo-is
- Tsay Keh Dene
- Tŝideldel
- Ts'iispoo-a
- ts'uḵw'um
- Tucks
- Tulameen
- Tulsequah
- Tumbler Ridge
- Tupper
- Turtle Valley
- Tuwanek
- Tuxwnech
- Twidwell Bend
- Twin Butte
- Twin Creeks
- Twin Islands
- Two Mile
- Two Rivers
- Tye
- Tyee
- Tynehead
- Tzouhalem
- Ucluelet
- Ulkatcho
- Union Bay
- University Hill
- Upper China Creek
- Upper Cutbank
- Upper Fraser
- Upper Halfway
- Upper Lynn
- Upsowis
- Urling
- Urquhart
- Usk
- Uuts
- Valemount
- Valleycliffe
- Valleyview
- Valley View
- Vallican
- Van Anda
- Vancouver
- Vanderhoof
- Vanway
- Vaucroft Beach
- Vavenby
- Vedder Crossing
- Vermilion Crossing
- Vernon
- Vesuvius
- Victoria
- Victoria-Fraserview
- Vidette
- View Royal
- Village Bay
- Village of Daajing Giids
- Vinsulla
- Von Zuben
- Vye
- W'aayi
- Wabi
- Wabron
- Wadhams
- Waglisla
- Wagner Ranch
- Wakely
- Walhachin
- Walker
- Walkers
- Walnut Grove
- Waneta
- Waneta Junction
- Wanklyn
- Wardner
- Ware
- Warfield
- Warner Bay
- Wasa
- Watson
- Watson Island
- Websters Corners
- Wedeene
- Wedge
- Wedgwood
- Weewanie
- Welcome Beach
- Wellington
- Wells
- Weneez
- Westbank
- West Bay
- West Bench
- Westbridge
- West End
- West Heights
- Westholme
- West Landing
- Westley
- West Lynn
- West Midway
- Westmount
- Westply
- West Point Grey
- Westridge
- Westside
- Westsyde
- West Trail
- West Vancouver
- Westview
- Westwold
- Wet'suwet'en Village
- Whaletown
- Whalley
- Whisky Creek
- Whistler
- Whistler Creek
- White Lake
- White Pass
- White Rock
- Whonnock
- Whyac
- Whytecliff
- Wigwam Inn
- Wihat'a
- Wii Lax K'ap
- Wildwood
- Wiley
- Williams Beach
- Williams Lake
- Williams Landing
- Williamsons Landing
- Willingdon Heights
- Willowbrook
- Willowbrook
- Willow Point
- Willow River
- Willowvale
- Willow Valley
- Wilmer
- Wilson Landing
- Windermere
- Windsor Park
- Windy
- Winfield
- Wingdam
- Winlaw
- Winter Harbour
- Wistaria
- Wolfenden
- Wolverine
- Wonowon
- Woodcock
- Woodfibre
- Woodhaven
- Woodlands
- Woodmere
- Woodpecker
- Woodsdale
- Woods Landing
- Woodwards Landing
- Worth
- Woss
- Wright
- Wycliffe
- Wyman
- Wynndel
- Xeni
- Yaashitquo-a
- Yaculta
- Yahk
- Ya:kats
- Yaku
- Yale
- Yankee Flats
- Yarksis
- Yarrow
- Yekooche
- Yellowhead
- Yennadon
- Ymir
- Yoho
- Youbou
- Yreka
- Yuneŝit'in
- Yuquot
- Yuuhluth
- Zamora
- Zeballos
- Zeke
- Zincton
- ʔEsdilagh