Cities in New Brunswick
- Aboushagan Road
- Acadieville
- Acamac
- Acton
- Adams Gulch
- Adamsville
- Albertine
- Albert Mines
- Albrights Corner
- Alcida
- Alderwood
- Aldouane
- Alexandrina
- Allainville
- Allan Cot
- Allandale
- Allardville
- Allardville East
- Allison
- Alma
- Alward
- Ammon
- Amostown
- Anagance
- Anagance Ridge
- Anderson Road
- Anderson Settlement
- Andersonville
- Anfield
- Annidale
- Anse-Bleue
- Anthonys Cove
- Apohaqui
- Arbeau Settlement
- Arbuckle
- Archibald Settlement
- Argosy
- Argyle
- Armond
- Armstrong Brook
- Aroostook
- Arthurette
- Ashland
- Astle
- Atholville
- Auburnville
- Aulac
- Avon
- Avondale
- Avondale Road
- Babbitt
- Back Bay
- Back Clarendon
- Back Lots
- Bagdad
- Baie-Sainte-Anne
- Baie Verte
- Baie Verte Road
- Bailey
- Baillie
- Bains Corner
- Bairdsville
- Baker-Brook
- Balla Philip
- Balmoral
- Baltimore
- Bannon
- Bantalor
- Barachois
- Barber Dam
- Barberie
- Bar-de-Cocagne
- Barkers Point
- Barnaby River
- Barnesville
- Barnettville
- Barony
- Barrieau
- Bar Road
- Barryville
- Barsa Subdivision
- Barter Settlement
- Bartholomew
- Bartibog
- Bartibog Bridge
- Bartibog Station
- Bartletts Mills
- Barton
- Bas-Cap-Pelé
- Bas-Caraquet
- Basse-Aboujagane
- Bass River
- Bass River
- Bass River Point
- Basswood Ridge
- Bastarache
- Batemans Mills
- Bates Settlement
- Bath
- Bathurst
- Bathurst Mines
- Baxters Corner
- Bayard
- Bay du Vin
- Bay du Vin Beach
- Bayfield
- Bay Road
- Bayshore
- Bay Shore
- Bayside
- Bayside
- Bayswater
- Bay View
- Beaconsfield
- Beaconsfield
- Bear Island
- Bear Landing
- Beaubassin East
- Beaubassin-Est
- Beaufort
- Beaumont
- Beaver Brook
- Beaver Brook Station
- Beaver Dam
- Beaver Harbour
- Becketville
- Beckim Settlement
- Bedec
- Bedell Settlement
- Bedford
- Bedford Road
- Beech Glen
- Beech Hill
- Beechwood
- Beersville
- Belair
- Belledune
- Belledune River
- Belledune Station
- Bellefleur
- Bellefleur Station
- Bellefond
- Belleisle Creek
- Belleville
- Bell Grove
- Belliveau Village
- Bells Mills
- Belmont
- Belyeas Cove
- Benjamin River
- Ben Lomond
- Benoit
- Benson Corner
- Benton
- Beresford
- Berry Mills
- Berry Mills Heights
- Berryton
- Bertrand
- Berwick
- Bethel
- Bettsburg
- Beulah
- Beveridge
- Big Cove
- Big Cove
- Biggar Ridge
- Big Hole
- Big Hole Brook
- Big River
- Birch Ridge
- Birch Ridge
- Birdton
- Black Beach
- Black Brook
- Blackies Landing
- Blackland
- Blackland
- Black Point
- Black River
- Black River
- Black River Bridge
- Black River Road
- Black Rock
- Blacks Harbour
- Blackville
- Blagdon
- Blair Athol
- Blairs
- Blaney Ridge
- Blissfield
- Blissville
- Block 14
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield Ridge
- Bloomfield Ridge
- Blowdown
- Blue Bell Corner
- Blue Hill
- Blue Mountain Bend
- Blue Mountain Settlement
- Bocabec
- Bocabec Cove
- Boiestown
- Bois-Blanc
- Bois-Gagnon
- Boishébert
- Boisjoli
- Bon Accord
- Bonney Road
- Bonny River
- Bon-Secours
- Boom Road
- Botsford Portage
- Boucher
- Bouctouche
- Boudreau
- Boudreau Road
- Boudreau Village
- Boundary
- Boundary Creek
- Bourgeois
- Bourgeois Mills
- Boyds Corner
- Bradley Corner
- Brantville
- Breadalbane
- Breadalbane
- Breau Creek
- Breau Road
- Breau-Village
- Brest
- Bretagneville
- Brewers Mills
- Bridgedale
- Briggs Corner
- Briggs Corner
- Briggs Corner
- British Settlement
- Brockway
- Bronson
- Bronson Settlement
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Road
- Brookvale
- Brookville
- Brookville
- Brookville
- Browns Corner
- Browns Flat
- Browns Yard
- Bruce
- Brunswick Mines
- Bryants Corner
- Bryenton
- Buckley Settlement
- Buctouche-Sud
- Bull Lake
- Bull Moose Hill
- Bulls Creek
- Burchills Flats
- Burgess Settlement
- Burnsville
- Burnt Church
- Burnt Hill
- Burntland Brook
- Burpee
- Burpees Corner
- Burton
- Burtts Corner
- Busby
- Bushville
- Butte-D'Or
- Cadman Corner
- Cahill
- Cails Mills
- Cains Point
- Caissie Cape
- Caissie-Village
- Caithness
- Caldwell
- Caledonia Mountain
- Calhoun
- Cambridge-Narrows
- Camerons Mill
- Campbell Settlement
- Campbell Settlement
- Campbell Settlement
- Campbellton
- Camp Gagetown
- Camp Harmony
- Campobello Island
- Camp Wegesegum
- Canaan
- Canaan Forks
- Canaan Rapids
- Canaan Road
- Canadian Heights
- Canal
- Canobie
- Canobie South
- Canoose
- Canterbury
- Canton
- Cantor
- Cap-Bateau
- Cap-Brûlé
- Cap-de-Cocagne
- Cap-de-Saint-Louis
- Cap-des-Caissie
- Cape Breton
- Cape Enrage
- Cape Spear
- Cape Spencer
- Cape Station
- Cape Tormentine
- Cap-Lumière
- Cap-Pelé
- Caraquet
- Cardigan
- Caribou Depot
- Carlingford
- Carlisle
- Carlow
- Caron Brook
- Carpenter
- Carr
- Carroll Ridge
- Carrolls Crossing
- Carron Point
- Carsonville
- Carters Point
- Carvell
- Case Settlement
- Cassilis
- Castalia
- Castaway
- Catamount
- Caverhill
- Cedar Camp
- Centennial Place
- Central Blissville
- Central Cambridge
- Central Greenwich
- Central Hainesville
- Central Hampstead
- Central Kingsclear
- Central Norton
- Central Tower Hill
- Central Waterville
- Centre-Acadie
- Centre Glassville
- Centre Napan
- Centre-Saint-Simon
- Centreton
- Centre Village
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Chamberlain Settlement
- Chambers Settlement
- Chambres Corner
- Chamcook
- Chamcook Lake
- Champdoré
- Champlain
- Champlain Heights
- Chance Harbour
- Chapel Grove
- Chaplin Island Road
- Chapman Corner
- Chapmans Corner
- Chapmanville
- Charleston
- Charlo
- Charters Settlement
- Chartersville
- Chatham
- Chatham Head
- Chelmsford
- Chemical Road
- Cherry Burton
- Cherryfield
- Cherry Hill
- Cherryvale
- Chester
- Chester
- Cheyne Settlement
- Chiasson
- Chipman
- Chockpish
- Chocolate Cove
- Christie Ridge
- Christies Landing
- Christopher
- Church Hill
- Churchill Heights
- Churchland Road
- Churchs Corner
- Ciquart
- Clair
- Claire-Fontaine
- Clairville
- Clarence Ridge
- Clarendon
- Clarks Corners
- Clarkville
- Clearview
- Clearwater
- Clifton
- Clifton Royal
- Cloverdale
- Clover Hill
- Coal Branch
- Coal Creek
- Coates Mills
- Coburg
- Coburn
- Cocagne
- Cocagne Cove
- Cocagne-Nord
- Cocagne-Sud
- Cochrane Corner
- Codiac Heights
- Codys
- Coldbrook
- Coldstream
- Colebrooke Settlement
- Colebrooke West
- Coleraine
- Coles Island
- Coles Island
- College Bridge
- Collette
- Collette-Village
- Collina
- Colpitts
- Colpitts Settlement
- Comeau Point
- Comeau Ridge
- Comeau Settlement
- Concession-de-Baker-Brook
- Concession-des-Bouchard
- Concession-des-Jaunes
- Concession-des-Lang
- Concession-des-Ouellette
- Concession-des-Vasseur
- Concession-des-Viel
- Connell
- Connors
- Cooks Brook
- Cooks Crossing
- Cookville
- Coombes Road
- Cork
- Cormier Cove
- Cormier-Village
- Cormierville
- Cornhill
- Cornhill East
- Cosman Settlement
- Costigan
- Coteau Road
- Côte-d'Or
- Côte-Sainte-Anne
- Cottrell
- Coughlan
- County Line
- Couturier Siding
- Covedell
- Coverdale
- Covered Bridge
- Cowans Creek
- Cox Point
- Coytown
- Crafts Cove
- Craig
- Craigville
- Creek Road
- Crocker Hill
- Crockets Corner
- Crombie Settlement
- Cross Creek
- Cross Creek Station
- Cross Roads
- Cross Roads
- Crow Harbour
- Crystal Beach
- Culligan
- Cumberland Bay
- Cummings Cove
- Currie
- Currieburg
- Currie Road
- Curryville
- Curtis Park
- Curventon
- Cyr Junction
- Dalhousie
- Dalhousie Junction
- Damascus
- Darlington
- Daulnay
- Dauversière
- Davidson Lake
- Davis Mill
- Davis Mill
- Dawson Settlement
- Dawsonville
- Day Hill
- Days Corner
- Days Landing
- Dead Creek
- Deadmans Harbour
- Debec
- Debec Junction
- Deep Cove
- Deer Lake
- Deersdale
- Deerville
- Demoiselle Creek
- Dennis
- Derby
- Derby Junction
- Derrys Corner
- Desherbiers
- Desjardins Road
- Després-Village
- Deuxième-Sault
- Devereaux
- Devine Corner
- Devon
- DeWolfe
- Dibblee
- Dickie Mountain
- Dieppe
- Digby Corner
- Digdeguash
- Dipper Harbour East
- Dipper Harbour West
- Divide
- Doak Settlement
- Doaktown
- Dobsons Corner
- Donegal
- Donnelly Settlement
- Dorchester
- Dorchester Cape
- Dorn Ridge
- Dorrington Hill
- Douglas
- Douglasfield
- Douglas Harbour
- Douglastown
- Dover
- Dover Hill
- Dow Settlement
- Doyles Brook
- Doyleville
- Drisdelle
- Drisdelle Settlement
- Drummond
- Drummond Station
- Drury Cove
- Drurys Cove
- Dubee Settlement
- Duck Cove
- Dufferin
- Duffys Corner
- Dufourville
- Dugas
- Duguayville
- Dumbarton
- Dumfries
- Dundas
- Dundee
- Dunlop
- Dunsinane
- Dupuis Corner
- Durham Bridge
- Durham Centre
- Dutch Valley
- Earle Wharf
- East Bathurst
- East Beaver Brook
- East Branch
- East Brighton
- East Centreville
- East Cloverdale
- East Coldstream
- East Collette
- East Galloway
- East Glassville
- East Knowlesville
- Eastmount
- East Newbridge
- East Riverside-Kinghurst
- East Scotch Settlement
- East Shediac
- East Waterville
- Edgetts Landing
- Edmundston
- Edmundston-Est
- Edwards Corner
- Eel Ground
- Eel River Bridge
- Eel River Cove
- Eel River Crossing
- Eel River Lake
- Elgin
- Elm Brook
- Elm Hill
- Elmhurst
- Elmsville
- Elmtree
- Elmwood
- Elmwood Estates
- Elmwood Station
- Emerson
- English Settlement
- Ennemond
- Ennishone
- Enniskillen
- Enterprise
- Epworth Park
- Erbs Cove
- Erb Settlement
- Escuminac
- Esdraelon
- Evandale
- Evangeline
- Évangéline
- Evans
- Everett
- Evergreen
- Exmoor
- Fairfield
- Fairfield
- Fairhaven
- Fairisle
- Fairvale
- Fair View
- Fairview Knoll
- Fairville Plateau
- Fawcett
- Fawcett Hill
- Fentons
- Ferndale
- Fernmount
- Ferry Road
- Fielding
- Five Corners
- Five Fathom Hole
- Five Fingers
- Five Points
- Five Points
- Flat Landing
- Flatlands
- Flemming
- Florenceville-Bristol
- Flowers Cove
- Flume Ridge
- Foley Brook
- Fontaine
- Ford Bank
- Fords Mills
- Forest City
- Forest Corner
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills
- Foreston
- Forks Stream
- Fosterville
- Fourche-à-Clark
- Four Corners
- Four Falls
- Four Roads
- Fowlers Corner
- Fowlers Corners
- Fowlies Mill
- Fox Creek
- Fox Hill
- Francoeur
- Fraser
- Fredericksburg
- Fredericton
- Fredericton Junction
- Fredericton Road
- Free Grant
- French Lake
- Frenchmans Creek
- French Village
- French Village
- Frog Lake
- Frosty Hollow
- Fundy Heights
- Gagetown
- Gallagher Ridge
- Gallant Settlement
- Galloway
- Garden Creek
- Garden Road
- Gardner Creek
- Garnett Settlement
- Gaspereau
- Gaspereau Forks
- Gautreau Village
- Gauvreau
- Gaythorne
- Gaytons
- Geary
- Germantown
- Germany
- Giants Glen
- Gibbon
- Giberson Settlement
- Gilberts Corner
- Gillespie Settlement
- Gilmans Corner
- Girouardville
- Gladeside
- Gladwyn
- Glassville
- Glaude
- Gleason Road
- Glen Cairn
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glen Falls
- Glen Levit
- Glen Park
- Glenvale
- Glenwood
- Glenwood
- Glenwood
- Gloucester Junction
- Goan
- Golden Grove
- Gondola Point
- Good Corner
- Gooseberry Cove
- Gordonsville
- Gordon Vale
- Gort
- Goshen
- Goshen
- Goudalie
- Gowland Mountain
- Grafton
- Grafton Hill
- Graham Corner
- Grainfield
- Grand Bay
- Grand Bay-Westfield
- Grande-Aldouane
- Grande-Anse
- Grande-Digue
- Grande-Plaine
- Grand Falls
- Grand Falls Portage
- Grand Falls Station
- Grand Harbour
- Grand Lake Road
- Grandmaison
- Grand Manan
- Grand River
- Grand-Ruisseau
- Grand-Sault
- Grangeville
- Granite Hill
- Grant Settlement
- Gravel Hill
- Gray Rapids
- Grays Mills
- Greendale
- Greenfield
- Greenhill
- Green Hill
- Green Mountain
- Greenock
- Green Point
- Green River
- Green Road
- Greens Landing
- Greens Point
- Greenwich Hill
- Greenwood
- Gregan
- Gregg Settlement
- Grove Hamlet
- Grove Hill
- Grub Road
- Guimond-Village
- Gunningsville
- Haché Road
- Hacheyville
- Haggertys Cove
- Hainesville
- Halcomb
- Hale
- Half Moon Pit
- Halfway
- Halfway Depot
- Halls Corner
- Halls Hill
- Hammond River
- Hammondvale
- Hammtown
- Hampstead
- Hampton
- Hampton Station
- Hamtown Corner
- Haneytown
- Hanford Brook
- Hanwell
- Harcourt
- Hardings Point
- Hardingville
- Hardwicke
- Hardwood Ridge
- Hardwood Settlement
- Hardy
- Harewood
- Harley Road
- Harper Settlement
- Harris Brook Settlement
- Harrison Brook Settlement
- Harrison Settlement
- Harrisville
- Harten Corner
- Hartfield
- Hartford
- Hartin Settlement
- Hartland
- Hartley Settlement
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey Bank
- Harvey Station
- Hatfield Point
- Haut-Bertrand
- Haut-Caraquet
- Haute-Aboujagane
- Haut-Lamèque
- Haut-Madawaska
- Haut-Paquetville
- Haut-Saint-Antoine
- Haut-Sainte-Rose
- Haut-Saint-Isidore
- Haut-Saint-Simon
- Haut-Shippegan
- Havelock
- Hawkins Corner
- Hawkshaw
- Hayden Ridge
- Hayesville
- Hayman Hill
- Hayne
- Hazeldean
- Hazelton
- Hazen
- Head of Millstream
- Heathland
- Heath Steele
- Hébert
- Hebron
- Hemphill Corner
- Henderson Settlement
- Hennigar Corner
- Heron Island
- Hersey Corner
- Hersonville
- Hewitt
- Hickey Settlement
- Hicksville
- Highbank
- Highfield
- Highlands
- Hildegarde
- Hillandale
- Hillandale
- Hilldale Corner
- Hillgrove
- Hillhurst
- Hillman
- Hillsborough
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hillside
- Hodgin
- Holderville
- Holmesville
- Holtville
- Honeydale
- Hopewell Cape
- Hopewell Hill
- Hortons Creek
- Howard
- Howard Brook
- Howland Ridge
- Hoyt
- Hoyt Station
- Humphrey
- Humphrey Corner
- Humphreys Mills
- Hunters Corner
- Hunters Home
- Hurlett
- Hurley Corner
- Indian Falls Depot
- Indian Island
- Indian Mountain
- Indiantown
- Indian Village
- Ingalls Head
- Ingleside
- Ingleside Heights
- Inkerman
- Inkerman Ferry
- Inman
- Intervale
- Irish Settlement
- Irish Settlement
- Irishtown
- Iron Bound Cove
- Iroquois
- Isaiah Corner
- Island View
- Island View Heights
- Jackson Falls
- Jacksontown
- Jacksonville
- Jacquet River
- Jailletville
- Jalbert
- Janeville
- Jardine Brook
- Jardineville
- Jeanne-Mance
- Jeffries Corner
- Jemseg
- Jericho
- Jewetts Mills
- Johnson Croft
- Johnson Settlement
- Johnson Settlement
- Johnson's Mills
- Johnston Point Road
- Johnville
- Jolicure
- Joliffs Brook
- Jones Crossing
- Jones Forks
- Jordan Mountain
- Juniper
- Juniper Station
- Justasons Corner
- Juvenile Settlement
- Kars
- Kay Settlement
- Keatings Corner
- Kedgwick
- Kedgwick River
- Keenan Siding
- Keirsteadville
- Kennebecasis Park
- Kenneth
- Kent Junction
- Kent Lake
- Kent Lake Siding
- Kerrs Ridge
- Keswick
- Keswick Ridge
- Ketchum Ridge
- Ketepec
- Kierstead Mountain
- Kilburn
- Kilfoil
- Killams Mills
- Killarney Road
- Killoween
- Kilmarnock
- Kincardine
- Kingsclear
- Kingsley
- Kings Mines
- Kingston
- Kingston Corner
- Kinnear Settlement
- Kirkland
- Kirkwood
- Klondike Settlement
- Knightville
- Knowlesville
- Knoxford
- Kouchibouguac
- Lac Baker
- Lac-des-Lys
- Lac-Unique
- Lagacéville
- La Hêtrière
- Lakeburn
- Lake Edward
- Lake George
- Lakeland
- Lake Road
- Lake Road
- Lakeside
- Laketon
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakeville
- Lakeville
- Lakeville Corner
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Heights
- Lamberts Cove
- Lambertville
- Lamèque
- La Montagne
- Lamoreaux Corner
- Lampedo
- Landry
- Lands End
- Lansdowne
- LaPlante
- Lapointe Settlement
- Latimer Lake
- Lauvergot
- Lavillette
- Lawrence Station
- LeBlanc
- LeBlancville
- Le Bouthillier
- Leech
- Lee Settlement
- Légerville
- Le Goulet
- Le Lac
- Leonardville
- Lepreau
- Lerwick
- Les Rapides
- Letang
- Letete
- Leverville
- Levesque
- Levesque Settlement
- Lewis Mountain
- Lewisville
- Licford
- Limekiln
- Limerick
- Limestone
- Limestone
- Lincoln
- Lindsay
- Lindys
- Lingley
- Linton Corner
- Lisson Settlement
- Listerville
- Little Bartibog
- Little Beach
- Little Branch
- Little Dover
- Little Gaspereau
- Little Lake
- Little Lepreau
- Little Ridge
- Little River
- Little Shemogue
- Little Tracadie
- Loch Lomond
- Lockharts Mill
- Lockstead
- Loggiecroft
- Loggie Lodge
- Loggieville
- Londonderry
- London Settlement
- Long Creek
- Longley
- Long Point
- Long Reach
- Longs Creek
- Long Settlement
- Lords Cove
- Lorne
- Lorneville
- Losier Settlement
- Lower Anfield
- Lower Barnaby
- Lower Bloomfield
- Lower Brighton
- Lower Burton
- Lower California
- Lower Cambridge
- Lower Cape
- Lower Caverhill
- Lower Chatham Head
- Lower Cove
- Lower Coverdale
- Lower Derby
- Lower Durham
- Lower Gagetown
- Lower Greenfield
- Lower Hainesville
- Lower Jemseg
- Lower Kars
- Lower Kingston
- Lower Kintore
- Lower Lincoln
- Lower Line Queensbury
- Lower Little Ridge
- Lower Main River
- Lower Midland
- Lower Millstream
- Lower Napan
- Lower Neguac
- Lower Newcastle
- Lower Northampton
- Lower Norton
- Lower Perth
- Lower Portage
- Lower Prince William
- Lower Queensbury
- Lower Ridge
- Lower Rockport
- Lower Royalton
- Lower Saint-Charles
- Lower Saint Marys
- Lower Stoneridge
- Lower Tower Hill
- Lower Turtle Creek
- Lower Wakefield
- Lower Waterville
- Lower Windsor
- Lower Woodstock
- Ludlow
- Lugar
- Lumsden Road
- Lutes Mountain
- Lutesville
- Lynch Corner
- Lynnfield
- Lyttleton
- Macabee
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDougall
- Maces Bay
- MacIntosh Mill
- MacLean Settlement
- Mactaquac
- Madran
- Magaguadavic
- Magaguadavic Siding
- Magnetic Hill
- Magundy
- Mainstream
- Maisonnette
- Malakoff
- Malauze
- Malden
- Maliseet
- Maltais
- Maltampec
- Manners Sutton
- Mannhurst
- Mann Mountain Settlement
- Mann Siding
- Manuels
- Manzer
- Mapledale
- Maple Glen
- Maple Green
- Maple Grove
- Maple Grove Station
- Maplehurst
- Maple Ridge
- Mapleton
- Mapleton
- Mapleton Place
- Mapleview
- Maplewood
- Maquapit Lake
- Marcelville
- Maria-de-Kent
- Markhamville
- Mark Hill
- Marne
- Marrtown
- Marsh Junction
- Martinon
- Martin Siding
- Marysville
- Mascarene
- Mates Corner
- Mathias Landing
- Matthews
- Maugerville
- Mavis Mills
- Maxwell
- Maxwell Crossing
- Mayfield
- Mazerolle Settlement
- McAdam
- McAlpines
- McCain Settlement
- McCann
- McCluskey
- McCully
- McDonald Corner
- McGinleys Corner
- McGivney
- McGowans Corner
- McGrath Corner
- McGraw Brook
- McGregor Brook
- McKeaghan
- McKeens Corner
- McKees Mills
- McKendrick
- McKenna
- McKenzie Corner
- McKinleyville
- McLaughlin
- McLean Settlement
- McLeod Hill
- McLeods
- McManus Siding
- McMinn
- McMonagle Corner
- McNairn
- McNallys
- McNamee
- McNeish
- McQuade
- Meadow
- Meadow Brook
- Mechanic Settlement
- Medford
- Meductic
- Meenans Corner
- Melanson Settlement
- Melrose
- Memel Settlement
- Memramcook
- Memramcook East
- Memramcook West
- Menneval
- Mercer Settlement
- Meredith Settlement
- Middle Caraquet
- Middle Coverdale
- Middle Hainesville
- Middle Kouchibouguac
- Middle Landing
- Middle Sackville
- Middlesex
- Middle Southampton
- Middleton
- Midgic
- Midland
- Midland
- Midland
- Midway
- Midwood
- Milford
- Milkish
- Millbank
- Mill Cove
- Miller Line Cache
- Millerton
- Millerville
- Millidgeville
- Mill Road
- Mill Settlement West
- Milltown
- Millville
- Mineral
- Mink Brook
- Minto
- Miramichi
- Miscou Centre
- Miscou Harbour
- Miscou Lighthouse
- Mispec
- Mitchells Corner
- Mitchell Settlement
- Model Farm
- Mohannes
- Molus River
- Moncton
- Moncton Road
- Monquart
- Montagne-de-la-Croix
- Montagne-des-Roy
- Montagne-des-Therrien
- Monteagle
- Monument
- Moorefield
- Moores Mills
- Moose Mountain
- Morais
- Morehouse Corner
- Morna
- Morna Heights
- Morrell
- Morrisdale
- Morrison Cove
- Mortimer
- Moss Glen
- Moulin-Morneault
- Mountain Brook
- Mountain View
- Mount Hebron
- Mount Hope
- Mount Middleton
- Mount Pisgah
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Prospect
- Mount View
- Mountville
- Mount Whatley
- Mouth of Keswick
- Mundleville
- Muniac
- Munsons Landing
- Murphy Corner
- Murphy Settlement
- Murray Corner
- Murray Road
- Murray Settlement
- Musquash
- Nackawic
- Napadogan
- Napan Bay
- Napier
- Nash Creek
- Nashwaak
- Nashwaak Bridge
- Nashwaaksis
- Nashwaak Village
- Nasonworth
- Nauwigewauk
- Neguac
- Nelson Hollow
- Nelson Junction
- Nelson-Miramichi
- Nepisiguit Junction
- Nerepis
- New Avon
- New Bandon
- New Bandon
- Newbridge
- Newburg
- Newburg Junction
- New Canaan
- Newcastle
- Newcastle Bridge
- Newcastle Centre
- Newcastle Creek
- New Denmark
- New Denmark Corner
- New Denmark Station
- New England Settlement
- New Horton
- New Jersey
- New Line Road
- Newmarket
- New Maryland
- New Mills
- New River
- New River Beach
- New Scotland
- Newtown
- New Zion
- Nicholas Denys
- Nictau
- Nigadoo
- Nixon
- Noinville
- Noonan
- Nordin
- Normandie
- Northampton
- North Branch
- North Cains
- North Devon
- Northern Harbour
- North Esk Boom
- North Forks
- North Head
- North Lake
- North Minto
- North Renous
- North Ridge
- North Road
- North Rogersville
- Northrups Corner
- North Tay
- North Tetagouche
- North Tilley
- North View
- Northwest Bridge
- Norton
- Nortondale
- Notre-Dame
- Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
- Notre-Dame-des-Érables
- Nowlanville
- Oak
- Oak Bay
- Oak Haven
- Oak Hill
- Oakland
- Oak Mountain
- Oak Point
- Oak Point
- Oakville
- Odell
- Odlum Junction
- O'Donnells
- Ogden Mill
- Ohio-Du-Barachois
- Old Dans Landing
- Old Ridge
- O'Neil
- Ononette
- Orange Hill
- Orchards Corner
- Oromocto
- Oromocto West
- Ortonville
- Osborne Corner
- Otter Cove
- Otty Glen
- Oxbow
- Pacific Junction
- Painsec
- Painsec Junction
- Pamdenec
- Pangburn
- Paquetville
- Parker Ridge
- Parkindale
- Parlee Brook
- Parleeville
- Partridge Valley
- Pascobac
- Passekeag
- Passmore
- Patrieville
- Patterson
- Patterson Siding
- Pearsonville
- Peekaboo Corner
- Peel
- Pelerin
- Pelletiers Mill
- Pemberton Ridge
- Pembroke
- Pennfield
- Pennfield Corner
- Pennfield Ridge
- Pennfield Station
- Penniac
- Pennlyn
- Penobsquis
- Perry Point
- Perry Settlement
- Perth-Andover
- Peters Mills
- Peters River
- Petit-Cap
- Petit-Chockpish
- Petitcodiac
- Petitcodiac East
- Petite-Aldouane
- Petite-Lamèque
- Petite-Réserve
- Petite-Rivière-à-la-Truite
- Petite-Rivière-de-l'Ile
- Petit-Large
- Petit-Ouest
- Petit-Paquetville
- Petit-Rocher
- Petit-Rocher-Nord
- Petit-Rocher-Sud
- Petit-Shippagan
- Phillipstown
- Picadilly
- Piccadilly
- Piercemont
- Pigeon Hill
- Pinder
- Pineau
- Pine Glen
- Pine Ridge
- Pineville
- Pinniquine
- Pirogue
- Plaster Rock
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Vale
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Villa
- Plumweseep
- Plymouth
- Pocologan
- Point aux Carr
- Point de Bute
- Pointe-à-Bouleau
- Pointe-Alexandre
- Pointe-Brûlé
- Pointe-Canot
- Pointe-du-Chêne
- Pointe-Rocheuse
- Pointe-Sapin
- Pointe-Sapin-Centre
- Pointe-Sauvage
- Pointe-Verte
- Point Gardiner
- Point La Nim
- Point Park
- Poirier
- Poitras Siding
- Pokemouche
- Pokemouche Landing
- Pokeshaw
- Pokesudie
- Pokiok
- Pokiok
- Pokiok Settlement
- Pole Hill
- Pollett River
- Pomeroy
- Pomeroy Ridge
- Pont-du-Milieu
- Pontgravé
- Pont-Lafrance
- Pont-Landry
- Poodiac
- Popelogan Depot
- Popple Depot
- Portage de Shippagan
- Portage-du-Lac
- Portage Vale
- Port Elgin
- Porten Settlement
- Porter Brook
- Porter Cove
- Porter Road
- Powers Creek
- Pratts Camp
- Pré-d'en-Haut
- Price
- Price Road
- Price Settlement
- Priceville
- Prides Landing
- Prime
- Primrose
- Prince of Wales
- Princess Park
- Prince William
- Prince William Station
- Prosser Brook
- Public Landing
- Pughs Crossing
- Purdys Corner
- Quaco Road
- Quaker Brook
- Quarries
- Quarryville
- Quatre-Coins
- Quatre-Coins
- Quatre-Milles
- Queenstown
- Quinton Heights
- Quisibis
- Quispamsis
- Ramsay Lodge
- Ramsay Sheds
- Randall Corner
- Randolph
- Rang-Cinq-Et-Six
- Rang-des-Bossé
- Rang-des-Bourgoin
- Rang-des-Collin
- Rang-des-Couturier
- Rang-des-Deschêne
- Rang-des-Lavoie
- Rang-des-Morneault
- Rang-Dix
- Rang-Dix-Huit
- Rang-Double-Nord
- Rang-Double-Sud
- Rang-Douze-Nord
- Rang-Douze-Sud
- Rang-Quatorze
- Rang-Saint-Georges
- Rang-Saint-Joseph
- Rang-Seize
- Rang-Sept
- Rang-Sept-et-Huit
- Rapids Depot
- Ratter Corner
- Redbank
- Red Bank
- Red Head
- Redmondville
- Red Rapids
- Red Rock
- Red Rock
- Reeds Point
- Rees
- Renauds Mills
- Renforth
- Renous
- Rexton
- Riceville
- Riceville
- Richardson
- Richardsville
- Richard-Village
- Richibucto
- Richibucto-Village
- Richmond Corner
- Riley Brook
- Rings Corner
- Rio Grande
- Ripples
- Ritchie
- Ritchie Lake
- Riverbank
- Riverbank
- River Charlo
- River de Chute
- River de Chute Siding
- River Glade
- Riverside-Albert
- Riverview
- River View
- Riverview Heights
- Riverview Heights
- Rivière-à-la-Truite
- Rivière-à-la-Truite
- Rivière-au-Portage
- Rivière-des-Caches
- Rivière-du-Portage
- Rivière-Verte
- Roach
- Roachville
- Robertville
- Robichaud
- Robichaud Settlement
- Robinson
- Robinsonville
- Rocheville
- Rockport
- Rockville
- Rocky Corner
- Rocky Corner
- Rogersville
- Roix Road
- Rollingdam
- Rooth
- Rosaireville
- Rosborough Settlement
- Rosedale
- Rosevale
- Ross
- Ross Corner
- Rossville
- Rothesay
- Rothwell
- Rough Waters
- Rowena
- Roy
- Royal Road
- Royalton
- Roy Settlement
- Rusagonis
- Rusagonis Station
- Russell
- Russelltown
- Russellville
- Sackville
- Sagwa
- Saint Almo
- Saint-Amand
- Saint-Amateur
- Saint-André
- Saint-André-de-Shédiac
- Saint Andrews
- Saint-Anselme
- Saint-Antoine
- Saint-Arthur
- Saint-Athanase
- Saint-Aubin
- Saint-Basile
- Saint-Camille
- Saint-Charles
- Saint-Charles-Nord
- Saint-Charles Station
- Saint Croix
- Saint-Cyrille
- Saint-Damien
- Saint-David
- Saint David Ridge
- Sainte-Anne
- Sainte-Anne-de-Kent
- Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska
- Sainte-Anne-du-Bocage
- Sainte-Cécile
- Saint-Édouard-de-Kent
- Sainte-Louise
- Sainte-Marie-de-Kent
- Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël
- Sainte-Marie-sur-Mer
- Sainte-Rose-Gloucester
- Sainte-Rosette
- Saint-Fabien
- Saint-François-de-Kent
- Saint-François de Madawaska
- Saint-Gabriel-de-Kent
- Saint George
- Saint-Grégoire
- Saint Hilaire
- Saint-Ignace
- Saint-Ignace Siding
- Saint-Irénée
- Saint-Isidore
- Saint-Jacques
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Restigouche
- Saint John
- Saint John East
- Saint John West
- Saint-Joseph
- Saint-Joseph
- Saint-Joseph-de-Kent
- Saint-Joseph-de-Madawaska
- Saint-Laurent
- Saint-Lazare
- Saint-Léolin
- Saint-Léonard
- Saint-Léonard-Parent
- Saint-Louis de Kent
- Saint-Luc
- Saint-Marcel
- Saint Margarets
- Saint-Martin-de-Kent
- Saint-Martin-de-Restigouche
- Saint Martins
- Saint Mary
- Saint-Maure
- Saint-Maurice
- Saint-Norbert
- Saint-Olivier
- Saint-Paul
- Saint-Philippe
- Saint-Pierre-de-Kent
- Saint-Pons
- Saint-Quentin
- Saint-Raphaël-sur-Mer
- Saint-Sauveur
- Saint-Sosime
- Saint Stephen
- Saint Thomas
- Saint-Thomas-de-Kent
- Saint-Wilfred
- Salem
- Salem
- Salina
- Salisbury
- Salmon Beach
- Salmon Creek
- Salmon Creek
- Salmonhurst Corner
- Salmon River
- Salt Springs
- Samp Hill
- Sand Brook
- Sand Hill
- Sand Point
- Sandy Point Road
- Sandyville
- Sapin-Court
- Saumarez
- Savoy Landing
- Scale
- Scotch Lake
- Scotch Ridge
- Scotch Settlement
- Scotch Settlement
- Scotchtown
- Scott Road
- Scott Siding
- Scoudouc
- Scovil
- Seal Cove
- Searsville
- Sea Side
- Seaview
- Second Falls
- Second North River
- Seeleys Cove
- Selwood
- Semiwagan Ridge
- Sevogle
- Shampers
- Shanklin
- Shannon
- Shannonvale
- Shaw Brook
- Shediac
- Shediac Bridge
- Shediac Cape
- Shediac Ridge
- Shediac River
- Sheffield
- Sheila
- Shemogue
- Shenstone
- Shepody
- Sherwood Park
- Shewan
- Shinnickburn
- Shippagan
- Shippigan
- Siegas
- Siegas Lake Settlement
- Sillikers
- Silver Falls
- Silver Falls Park
- Silverwood
- Simms Corner
- Simonds
- Simpson Corner
- Simpsons Field
- Sirois
- Sisson
- Sisson Brook
- Sisson Ridge
- Sisson Settlement
- Six-Milles
- Six Roads
- Skiff Lake
- Slope Road
- Smith Corner
- Smithfield
- Smiths Corner
- Smiths Creek
- Smiths Crossing
- Smith Settlement
- Smithtown
- Snider Mountain
- Somerville
- Sormany
- Sorrel Ridge
- Soucy
- Southampton
- Southampton Junction
- South Bathurst
- South Bay
- South Branch
- South Branch
- South Devon
- South Esk
- Southfield
- Southfield Road
- South Gordonsville
- South Greenfield
- South Johnville
- South Knowlesville
- South Kouchibouguac
- South Minto
- South Musquash
- South Nelson Road
- South Portage
- South Ridge
- South River
- South Road Settlement
- South Saint-Norbert
- South Tetagouche
- South Tilley
- South Tweedside
- South Waterville
- Speerville
- Spence Settlement
- Spring Brook
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Springfield
- Springfield
- Springfield Settlement
- Springhill
- Springhill
- Spruce Brook
- Spruce Lake
- Stanley
- St-Antoine-de-Kent
- Staples Settlement
- Steevescote
- Steeves Mills
- Steeves Mountain
- Steeves Settlement
- Stewarton
- Stickney
- Stilesville
- Stonehaven
- Stoneridge
- Stoney Creek
- Stoneycroft
- Stony Creek Station
- Storeytown
- Strathadam
- Strong Corner
- Stuart Town
- Stymiest Road
- Sugar Brook
- Summerfield
- Summerfield
- Summerville
- Summit
- Summit
- Summit Depot
- Sunbury
- Sunny Acres
- Sunny Acres West
- Sunny Brae
- Sunny Corner
- Sunnyside
- Sunpoke
- Sunset Valley
- Surrey
- Sussex
- Sussex Corner
- Sutherland Siding
- Swan Creek
- Swans Shore
- Sweeney Settlement
- Sweeneyville
- Synton
- Tabusintac
- Tankville
- Targettville
- Tarrtown
- Tattons Corner
- Taxis River
- Tay Creek
- Tay Falls
- Taylor Village
- Tay Mills
- Taymouth
- Tay Valley
- Teahans Corner
- Teeds Mills
- Telly Road Crossing
- Temperance Vale
- Temple
- Tennants Cove
- Terrains de L'Évêque
- The Bluff
- The Cedars
- The Glades
- The Gorge
- The Grant
- The Ledge
- The Lots
- The Range
- Thériault
- The Ridge
- The Willows
- Thibault
- Thomaston Corner
- Thompson Corner
- Thornetown
- Three Brooks
- Three Tree Creek
- Tide Head
- Tilley Road
- Timber River
- Tinker
- Titusville
- Tobique Narrows
- Torryburn
- Tracadie
- Tracadie Beach
- Tracadie-Sheila
- Tracey Mills
- Tracy
- Tracy Depot
- Tracyville
- Tremblay
- Tripp Settlement
- Trois-Ruisseaux
- Trout Brook
- Trudel
- Tryon Settlement
- Tugtown
- Tunaville
- Turgeon
- Turner Settlement
- Turtle Creek
- Tweedie
- Tweedie Brook
- Tweedside
- Two Brooks
- Tynemouth Creek
- Underhill
- Undine
- Uniacke Hill
- Union Corner
- Union Mills
- Union Settlement
- Upham
- Upper Balmoral
- Upper Barnaby
- Upper Belleisle
- Upper Blackville
- Upper Blackville Bridge
- Upper Brighton
- Upper Brockway
- Upper Buctouche
- Upper California
- Upper Cape
- Upper Caverhill
- Upper Charlo
- Upper Coverdale
- Upper Crossing
- Upper Derby
- Upper Dorchester
- Upper Dover
- Upper Dundee
- Upper Durham
- Upper Gagetown
- Upper Gaspereau
- Upper Golden Grove
- Upper Goshen
- Upper Greenwich
- Upper Hainesville
- Upper Kent
- Upper Keswick
- Upper Kintore
- Upper Knoxford
- Upper Letang
- Upper Little Ridge
- Upper Loch Lomond
- Upper Maugerville
- Upper Midland
- Upper Mills
- Upper Mills
- Upper Miramichi
- Upper Napan
- Upper New Horton
- Upper Northampton
- Upper Point de Bute
- Upper Pokemouche
- Upper Queensbury
- Upper Rexton
- Upper Ridge
- Upper Rockport
- Upper Royalton
- Upper Sackville
- Upper Saint-Maurice
- Upper Salt Springs
- Upper Sheila
- Upper Southampton
- Upper Stoneridge
- Upper Tilley Road
- Upperton
- Upper Tower Hill
- Upper Tracy
- Upper Wards Creek
- Upper Waterville
- Upper Wicklow
- Upper Woodstock
- Upsalquitch
- Urney
- Utopia
- Utopia Centre
- Val-Comeau
- Val-d'Amour
- Val-Doucet
- Valhalla Estate
- Val-Lambert
- Vallée-Lourdes
- Valley
- Valley Road
- Valleyview North
- Val-Melanson
- Val-Michaud
- Val-Nadeau
- Val Oakes
- Vautour
- Veneer
- Verret
- Vespra
- Victoria
- Victoria Beach
- Victoria Corner
- Village-Blanchard
- Village-des-Arsenault
- Village-des-Belliveau
- Village-des-Cormier
- Village-des-Léger
- Village-des-Poirier
- Village-La-Prairie
- Village-Saint-Augustin
- Village-Sainte-Croix
- Village-Saint-Irénée
- Village-Saint-Jean
- Village-Saint-Laurent
- Village-Saint-Paul
- Village-Saint-Pierre
- Vinegar Hill
- Violette Brook
- Violette Settlement
- Violette Station
- Waasis
- Wakefield
- Wakem Corner
- Walker Settlement
- Wallace Cove
- Waltons Lake
- Wapske
- Ward
- Ward Corner
- Wards Creek
- Ward Settlement
- Warwick Settlement
- Washademoak
- Waterborough
- Waterford
- Waterloo Corner
- Waterside
- Waterville
- Waterville
- Watson Settlement
- Watt
- Watt Junction
- Waweig
- Wayerton
- Weaver
- Weaver Siding
- Weeks Road
- Welch
- Welch Cove
- Weldfield
- Weldon
- Wells
- Welsford
- Welshpool
- West Bathurst
- West Beach
- West Branch
- Westcock
- West Collette
- Westend
- Westfield
- Westfield Beach
- Westfield Centre
- West Galloway
- West Glassville
- Westmorland Heights
- Weston
- West Quaco
- West River
- West Riverview
- West Sackville
- West Scotch Settlement
- West Waterville
- Wheaton Settlement
- Whitehead
- White Head
- White Rapids
- Whites Bluff
- Whites Brook
- Whites Cove
- Whites Mills
- Whites Mountain
- Whites Settlement
- Whitney
- Whittier Ridge
- Wickham
- Wickham
- Wicklow
- Wiggins Mill
- Wileys Corner
- Williamsburg
- Williamstown
- Williamstown
- Willow Grove
- Wilmot
- Wilmot
- Wilson Point
- Wilsons Beach
- Windsor
- Wine River
- Winston
- Winton Crossing
- Wirral
- Wirral Station
- Wishart Point
- Woodhaven Court
- Woodhurst
- Woodland
- Woodlands
- Woodman
- Woodmans Point
- Woodpecker Hall
- Wood Point
- Woodside
- Woodside
- Woodstock
- Woodstock Road
- Woodville
- Woodwards Cove
- Wyers Brook
- Yoho
- York Mills
- Youghall
- Young Ridge
- Youngs Cove
- Youngs Cove Road
- Youngs Crossing
- Zealand
- Zionville